The Caribsa SiMB programme offers you a completely different way to look at weight management than the conventional dieting paradigm. At SiMB we believe that diets don’t work, so we have taken a scientifically proven psychological route to shifting those stubborn pounds.
We focus on emotion and how this effects food consumption. We look at the way your history and lifestyle has shaped your ideas about food and eating that has in turn influenced your perceptions. With SiMB you can spend as little as ten minutes per day turning that around by implementing solutions that move you beyond your present belief system to one that brings about lasting change.
What are nutrients and how do they work in the body? How does body type effect shape? Does stress and negative thoughts affect the way food is processed in the body? Combining the answer to these questions with exercise you really like doing, can and will contribute further to your ultimate well being.
Our aim is to assist you reach a broader understanding of yourself. There is the option to try alternative forms of body care such as meditation, visualisation, reiki, yoga and mindfulness.
This questionnaire is very valuable and quick to complete so do it now. We appreciate that sometimes we can move towards saying what we think is right. We at SiMB understand and we’re here to hold your hand through this, every step of the way. This questionnaire not only helps us to understand you better but is the beginning of the process of bringing personal awareness to the possible hurdles and blocking points that may be in front of you.